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325 total results

Few words can stir up both negative and positive reactions more than the term Zionism. This phrase has been a lightning rod on a global scale since the October 7 Hamas attack against Israel. There are many forms of Zionism: religious, secular, Christian, and even Islamic (yep). It can be defined simply as the national movement of Jewish people returning to and establishing self-autonomy (or self-rule) in their ancestral homeland, Israel. But what exactly does the Bible say? Did Jesus ever speak about Zionism?
Antisemitism, Jewish History, Lecture, Modern Israel, Theology
Are Jewish believers and Christians, the natural and grafted-in branches of God's family tree, truly connecting in the loving, unified manner He desires? Ezra Benjamin digs into the various aspects of this mutual relationship in the third session of the Israel Masterclass.
Jewish Outreach, Lecture, Theology
Easter may be the most important celebration for Christians, as Passover is for the Jewish community. Yet, many questions surround these two holidays. How are they connected? Where do they diverge? And ultimately, which, if not both, should Christians be celebrating?
Jewish Holidays, Theology
In this Israel Masterclass session, Gateway Center for Israel Teaching Pastor David Blease defines the widely-held (yet incorrect) theology rooted in 1700 years of Christian tradition -- replacement theology. Using history and Scripture, David helps us identify this faulty belief (that the Church has replaced Israel in God's covenant promises), describes why it is so dangerous, and explains the four negative consequences that will result from embracing this error as truth.
Antisemitism, Jewish Outreach, Theology
On October 7, 2023, the most horrific attack against Jewish people since the Holocaust 80 years before was carried out by Hamas. But, instead of empathy, the world has responded to this atrocity by being offended by Israel's self-defense. Unfortunately, the Church as a whole has been rather silent as a violent war of words has been unleashed against the Jewish people. Exactly how should the Church be biblically responding to this global offense toward Israel?
Antisemitism, Interviews, Lecture, Modern Israel
When, why, and how did Gateway Church embrace the importance of having a biblical, sincere love for Israel & the Jewish people? In this introductory session of the Israel Masterclass, Nic Lesmeister sits down with Dr. Wayne Wilks and Dr. Greg Stone to talk about this fascinating history.
Interviews, Lecture, Theology
Just how close are we to the return of Jesus due to the war in Israel? In this final segment of the TKU Center for Israel Q&A, hosted by Gateway Ministry Experience Pastor Phillip Hunter, Nic and David discuss the three prerequisites Yeshua outlined in Matthew 24 for His second coming - and offer insight into biblical prophecy and the end times from a Jewish perspective.
End Times, Interviews, Lecture, Modern Israel, Theology
Martin Luther, a towering figure in Christian history, is celebrated for launching the Protestant Reformation and championing theological reform from the Catholic Church. However, a lesser-known aspect of his life demands our attention. Was Martin Luther Antisemitic?
Antisemitism, Theology
What should a Christian's response be towards those who are Palestinian or pro-Palestinian? Gateway Ministry Experience Pastor Phillip Hunter takes several questions along this line from the TKU Israel Q&A student audience on this topic for Gateway Center for Israel's Nic Lesmeister and David Blease to tackle. Their answers include what it means to show compassion towards those we may never agree with, and how to be a bridge of love to those who are hurting and suffering on the Palestinian side of the current war.
Antisemitism, Interviews, Jewish Life, Modern Israel, Theology
Is it possible for Christians to "stand for Israel" and love Palestinian believers as well? During the TKU Center for Israel Q&A, Gateway Ministry Experience Pastor Phillip Hunter poses this question. In their answer, Nic and David define the theological "scandal of particularity" and how Christians can indeed love both in a world that demands we choose a side.
Antisemitism, End Times, Interviews, Jewish Life, Modern Israel
Is this current war between Hamas and Israel different in some way from the other military conflicts Israel has had in the past? How does the second coming of Jesus fit into this scenario? In this TKU Center for Israel Q & A session hosted by Gateway Ministry Experience Pastor Phillip Hunter, Nic and David explore a biblical view of the current war and offer insight into how Christians should respond and pray into this simple yet complex situation.
End Times, Interviews, Modern Israel, Theology
Wasn't Israel's Old Testament covenant with God replaced by Jesus' "new covenant" with the whole world? In this second video of the TKU Q & A session conducted by Gateway Ministry Experience Pastor Phillip Hunter, Nic and David discuss how and where God's covenantal promises can be found in the New Testament - and why it's defaming God's character to claim He broke His covenant with Israel.
Interviews, Jewish Outreach, Lecture, Theology
Gateway Ministry Experience Pastor Phillip Hunter recently conducted a Q & A with Gateway Center for Israel's Nic Lesmeister and David Blease at The King's University. In this introductory session, they give a short biblical and historical overview of the Jewish people, spanning from Abraham to modern day Israel.
Interviews, Jewish History, Lecture, Modern Israel
Did a frustrated Paul, famously known as the "Apostle to the Gentiles," actually give up on his own Jewish people? Gateway Center for Israel Executive Director Nic Lesmeister unpacks in this video how certain verses in Acts 18-21 have been historically misinterpreted - and how they prove instead that Paul continued to prioritize his ministry "to the Jew first."
Jewish Outreach, Theology
Ari Waldman, lead rabbi at Baruch Ha Shem Messianic Congregation in Dallas, Texas, shares what it is like to be a second-generation Messianic Jewish believer during this informative (and humorous) interview with Gateway Center for Israel Teaching Pastor David Blease. Topics include the cultural differences between Gentile and Jewish believers, what to expect at a weekly Messianic Jewish service, and the number one truth Rabbi Waldman wishes Christians would understand about Jewish people.
Interviews, Jewish Outreach, Modern Israel, Theology
Did Jesus, born a Jewish man, stop being Jewish and just start a new religion? What about Paul, the "Apostle to the Gentiles?" Did he abandon his Jewish life? Watch this conversation between Gateway Center for Israel Teaching Pastor David Blease and Executive Director Nic Lesmeister as they take a deep dive on the topic of the Jewishness of Jesus - and why it still matters today.
Interviews, Jewish Outreach, Theology
How you impacted Israel in 2023 In 2023, 100% of your donations to bless Israel & the Jewish people were distributed to 83 different Gateway partners in 15 countries around the world. Especially in a year when Israel suffered its worse crisis since its founding in 1948, it is so important for you to know […]
Watch this informative conversation between David Blease and Israel Pochtar, Pastor of Beit Hallel Congregation in Israel. As a pastor in the land, within earshot of rockets and explosions in Gaza, Pastor Israel shares the reality of living in a war-zone, the loss of a member of their congregation, and gives insightful perspective to western believers who feel far from the war. Whether next door or across an ocean, our faith brings us together in Yeshua.
Antisemitism, Interviews, Jewish Life, Modern Israel
Traditionally, scholars have held the position that Jesus spoke Aramaic, NOT Hebrew - but is this truly accurate? And why would many Christian experts be so unsettled by the idea that He did? In this "Ask Us Anything" video, Gateway Center for Israel Teaching Pastor David Blease examines the historical and scriptural evidence for a Hebrew-speaking Jesus.
Jewish History, Theology
Scott Volk (Together for Israel) shares a fascinating conversation with David Blease (Gateway Center for Israel) about the importance of viewing Israel, the apple of God's eye, through a biblical lens. Using Scripture and his own testimony, Scott explains why the vital "Israel piece" should be a priority for any church or ministry, which will set the stage for Jesus' eventual second coming.
Interviews, Theology
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