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"Just as antisemitism by the church should be condemned, you should also condemn anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, and anti-Christian discrimination of the present racist state of Israel." Nic Lesmeister, Executive Director of Gateway Center for Israel, gives an "unequivocal YES" to this statement as he navigates this controversial topic in another episode of "Responding to Viewer Comments."
Antisemitism, Modern Israel
Does Matthew 21 teach that God took His Kingdom away from Israel due to disbelief and gave it to Gentile believers (the Church) instead? Exactly who was Jesus speaking to in this chapter? Gateway Center for Israel Executive Director Nic Lesmeister tackles these questions in this episode of "Responding to Viewer Comments."
Antisemitism, Theology
The most popular question asked by our viewers so far is: "Didn't God say there is no longer Jew or Gentile in Galatians 3:28?" If so, wouldn't that mean Paul's letter to the Galatians disproves all we've been saying…but also implies there is no longer male or female?
Antisemitism, Theology
Now is a time to remind ourselves daily to "be strong, be strong, and strengthen one another." We need the strength of the Lord and the strength of one another to endure uncertain times and move towards God's good plans for our lives.
It is only by understanding the history of God’s election of Israel—and the enduring hostility between Israel and the nations—that we can fully understand the redemptive, reconciling work of Christ and its implications. Christ’s work has often been framed (especially in Western Christian theology) primarily in terms of salvation from sin, and this perspective has served to undercut the role of Israel in God’s redemptive work in the world. While the gospel is indeed about the story of human sin and divine salvation, this aspect of Christ’s redemptive work is couched within a larger overarching narrative of creation moving towards ultimate consummation.
Antisemitism, Theology
God used Martin Luther in amazing ways during the Protestant Reformation. However, in his later life, his attitude towards Jewish people was very antisemitic. Is it fair to call Martin Luther "evil" because of these words and actions?
Antisemitism, Theology
God’s act of electing Israel precipitates an enduring hostility between Israel and the nations. Biblically, this hostility manifests itself in the nations repeatedly dragging Israel away from proper worship of her God, fighting with Israel over her promised land, and warring against her very existence. It is worth noting that, outside (and, tragically, all too often inside) the community of Messiah, this hostility fiercely endures into our own day.
Antisemitism, Theology
Is there such a thing as a "Messianic Jew?" Does Jewish identity still matter, or do Jews become Christians, embracing a new religion, when they accept Jesus? Nic Lesmeister, Executive Director of the Gateway Center for Israel, states why GCFI embraces the biblical concept that Jewish believers in Jesus are still Jewish in this episode of"Responding to Viewers Comments."
When non-Jews join the family of God through faith in Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, does that mean we become Jewish? Aren't we "grafted in" to the tree of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Well, yes...and no.
In this first episode of our new series: "Responding to Viewer Comments", Gateway Center for Israel Executive Director Nic Lesmeister examines whether or not Paul disavowed Judaism because of the Gospel opposition he encountered from the Pharisees and Sadducees. Nic uses examples of how Jesus Himself responded to this same Jewish leadership opposition to formulate his conclusion.
Unfortunately, for many Christians, the honest answer would be NO. Dr. Wayne Wilks, Gateway Center for Israel Executive Pastor of Church and Jewish Relations, outlines why this is, and discusses the importance God places on Christians becoming attentive and concerned about Jewish people.
Jewish Outreach, Theology
If Jesus was Jewish and celebrated what many call the "biblical feasts," shouldn't we, as Gentile believers in Jesus, also celebrate them? Using Acts 15, Nic Lesmeister, director of the Gateway Center for Israel, answers this question by explaining why it is important for Jewish and Gentile believers to maintain their God-given distinctions through mutual love and respect.
Jewish Holidays, Jewish Outreach
If we read our Bibles well, we cannot help but notice that the election of Israel is a central narrative thread—from Genesis to Revelation. While much could be said about Israel’s election, I’d like to focus on three central points.
Lecture, Theology
Does the fact that Jesus was born Jewish only serve as a historical footnote? Or should it hold a deeper meaning for the Church today? To answer this question, Gateway Center for Israel Teaching Pastor David Blease hosts a fascinating in-depth conversation with Messianic Jewish author David Hoffbrand, author of The Jewish Jesus and 52 Sabbaths. Together they unpack the importance of believers reconnecting with the authentic Jewish Jesus.
For decades, world leaders have searched for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Nothing seems to work, as the conflict rages on. Most Christians care about this conflict, but are intimidated and confused on what to believe, what to say, and what to do about it. Speaking at the Gateway Church Shabbat service in June 2023, Pastor Nic Lesmeister provides the "why" behind this conflict, and offers a simple framework for how Christians can navigate this complicated issue.
End Times, Modern Israel
How can we take all that we've learned in the Israel Masterclass and put it to practical use in our daily lives? Nic Lesmeister wraps up this ninth and final session by explaining how to grasp - and then discuss with understanding - the very complicated issues surrounding Israel & the Jewish people today.
Antisemitism, End Times, Jewish Outreach, Modern Israel, Theology
David Blease poses some hard questions in this session of the Israel Masterclass, such as "What about the Palestinians? Aren't they the true indigenous people of the region and the Jewish immigrants just colonialists?" Using biblical accounts, and historical and archaeological records, he examines the timeline and details of arguably the most intense geopolitical controversy in history.
Antisemitism, Jewish History, Modern Israel
Perspective Paper
Chapters: 1. The One New Man history of The King’s University & Gateway Church2. Unity and Diversity in God’s Kingdom3. Three Approaches to Gentile Believers and the Torah4. The Hebrew Roots/One Law View5. Hard, Soft and Partial One Law6. One Law Arguments and Responses7. Fruit of the Hebrew Roots/One Law View8. Gentile Participation in Messianic […]
We know Jesus WAS Jewish. But does it matter that He is STILL Jewish? In this Israel Masterclass session, Jewish believer David Hoffbrand teaches the importance of the Church reconnecting with the authentic Jewish Jesus. He explains (while sharing his personal story) why viewing Him through this cultural lens is still very central to our spiritual walk and full understanding of the Gospel.
Jewish History, Jewish Outreach, Theology
All four Gospel writers, from Matthew to John, felt it necessary to mention the Jewish genealogy of Jesus. Why? Is the Gospel itself Jewish? In this session of the Israel Masterclass, Dr. David Rudolph explains why the Church needs to rediscover the essential Jewish emphasis of the Gospel message. Using the writings of Isaiah, the Apostle Paul, Mark, and Matthew, Dr. Rudolph gives us a framework for understanding how the Gospel message was intended first for the Jewish people and then for the nations.
Jewish History, Jewish Outreach, Lecture, Theology
In this Israel Masterclass session about antisemitism, David Blease examines God's heart for the Jewish people as revealed in Scripture. He also details the surprising number of documented atrocities committed against Jewish people (many sadly at the hands of self-proclaimed Christians) spanning the centuries up until today. David concludes with a challenge to the Church today to examine our hearts towards God's chosen people and not repeat the same mistakes of the past.
Antisemitism, Modern Israel
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