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Respected Messianic Jewish leader Dr. Dan Juster delivers an excellent and timely teaching on the Ephesians 2:14-16 concept of "one new man." He explains God's unifying desire that Gentile and Jewish believers be "interdependent for mutual blessing" and refutes the unbiblical "Third Race" doctrine found in Replacement Theology. - Special thanks to The King's University for the use of this video.
Perspective Paper
For thousands of years, Jewish people around the world have recounted the exodus story through the feast of Passover. Recently, a growing number of Gentile Christians have also begun to observe Passover. Desiring to reconnect in a greater way to the Jewish foundation of their faith, more and more churches have begun hosting Passover Seders for their communities. Whether you are just beginning on this journey out of curiosity, or whether you are an experienced Passover host, this guide is written for you.
Jewish Holidays
Shalom, Y’all! Okay, no one will say that to you in Israel. But we’re really glad you’re interested in Gateway Church’s resources on how we lead trips to Israel! For nearly the past 10 years, Pastor Robert and our elders have prioritized taking our staff and congregation on various trips to Israel. We’ve learned a […]
Hi Friends, I’m sure you’ve been glued to the news over the past couple of weeks, watching the horrific events unfolding in Eastern Europe inside the borders of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin’s Russian army invasion and subsequent onslaughts have been gut-wrenching for us all to witness. Today, I wanted to share an update that is a […]
 How can we respond to antisemitism? I’d like to propose four practical ways here through the acronym, C.A.R.E.
Antisemitism, Jewish Life, Jewish Outreach, Theology
Senior New Testament scholar Dr. Craig S. Keener discusses "The Jewish Context of Revelation" in a webinar moderated by Nic Lesmeister and co-hosted by The King's University and Gateway Center for Israel. A prolific author, Dr. Keener is an Asbury Theological Seminary biblical studies professor, member and past president of the Evangelical Theological Society, and a long-time friend of the Messianic Jewish community.
Moderated by Dr David Rudolph, senior New Testament scholar Dr. Craig S. Keener discusses "The Jewish Context of the Gospel of Matthew" in a webinar co-hosted by The King's University and Gateway Center for Israel. A staunch friend of the Messianic Jewish community for decades, Dr. Keener is a prolific author of over 30 books--including two major commentaries on the book of Matthew--and is an Asbury Theological Seminary professor of biblical studies.
2021 Recap 2021 Recap In 2021, your donations to bless Israel & the Jewish people were distributed to 47 different Gateway partners in 11 countries around the world. It is so important for you to know the specific impact your donations made, so here are some of the stories of how you helped convey the […]
Collection6 Resources
Gateway Center for Israel exists to guide Christians towards a biblical and sincere love of Israel & the Jewish people. One of the biggest barriers to this is faulty theology that develops due to unhealthy belief systems about what the Bible really teaches related to God's chosen people. In this resource section, we will examine some of the most prominent errors, misconceptions, and unhealthy teachings about Israel & the Jewish people -- and how they have historically led to harmful theology and actions.
Collection3 Resources
What makes someone Jewish? If a Jewish person puts his or her faith in Jesus, has that person "converted" or “become a Christian?” Does a Jewish person stop being Jewish altogether? These are just some of the questions we attempt to answer in our "Jewish Belief in Jesus" resource collection.
Jewish Outreach, Jewish Life, Theology
The ancient site of Machaerus, in the Dead Sea region of Jordan, is where John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod Antipas. What did John's final message to Jesus have in common with the Prophet Isaiah, and with us as well? Nic shares and encourages with this special, short teaching.
Scripture tells us that Moses took his final and most exhaustive look at the Promised Land from Mt. Nebo (located in present day Jordan) just before he died. In this short video, Nic explains a small but significant detail that most people overlook when they consider this biblical account.
Nic shares his excitement of being back in the Land of the Bible in this short video. You can visit the Land of the Bible virtually with our ChurchEd Course, the Land of Israel Experience. Sign up today to start learning more about your Bible!
Gateway Church has made a priority of financially supporting ministries sharing the Good News “to the Jew first” (Rom. 1:16) since we began over 20 years ago. During this time, we’ve built relationship with over 100 fruitful Jewish ministries that are active in Israel and other parts of the world, reaching Jewish people with the […]
Many scholars conclude that Hitler’s violent antisemitism was enabled by a wake of anti-Jewish theologies of church heroes like Calvin and Luther. Living in a post-Holocaust world, it is difficult for modern Christians to believe that antisemitism was flowing in the lifeblood of the Church for thousands of years. Yet, it was. Why?
Antisemitism, Jewish History, Theology
This paper will argue that the good news of Jesus is both relevant and essential for the Jewish people, but a thoughtful, sincere approach to Jewish outreach is also needed.
Jewish Outreach, Theology
Does Paul actually mean that the gospel should be for Jewish people “first?” But aren’t we all “one in Christ?”
Many Christians today would be surprised to learn that Paul, the famous “Apostle to the Gentiles,” never stopped living a Jewish life. What this zealous Pharisee experienced on the road to Damascus was not conversion to Christianity, but acceptance of a new life and calling offered by the Jewish Messiah, Jesus. The mission of Paul’s life may have changed—but his identification as a son of Israel did not.
Theology, Jewish Outreach
Racism and ethnic divisions have been the loudest conversations of recent months in America. This important discussion, unfortunately, has often not found a home in the Christian Church. We feel that many of the church-based conversations on race overlook a key understanding from the Bible.
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