Nic Lesmeister

Nic Lesmeister is an American pastor and the Executive Director of "Gateway Center for Israel”. He is also the Executive Pastor of Church & Jewish Relations at Gateway Church. Nic received a life calling to serve the Jewish people in 2011 while in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with one of his spiritual fathers, Dr. Wayne Wilks. After a successful business exit as an entrepreneur in the finance sector, Nic moved his family to Israel where in 2015 he earned a Master's Degree in Nonprofit Management and Leadership from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2019, Nic Lesmeister led the vision to create the new "Gateway Center for Israel" as a part of Gateway Church, and serves as its Executive Director. Nic and his wife, Tabatha, have three children and live in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas.

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Nic Lesmeister

What did the Apostle Paul mean by "to the Jew first?" Director Nic Lesmeister with Gateway Center for Israel explains the meaning of "first" and how Gateway Church prioritizes Israel and the Jewish people within that definition.
Jewish Outreach, Theology
Supporting Jewish ministries is important, but Nic Lesmeister, director of the Gateway Center for Israel, examines why church leaders and pastors should also focus on building relationship within the Messianic Jewish community as well.
Jewish Outreach, Theology
A misunderstanding of Galatians 3:28 is the idea that there are now three races: Jews, Gentiles, and Christians. Director Nic Lesmeister with Gateway Center for Israel discusses how this unhealthy interpretation undermines God's intent for humanity.
If the Church has "replaced" Israel, then did God "divorce" Israel? Gateway Center for Israel's director, Nic Lesmeister, explains how replacement theology can lead to this conclusion.
Antisemitism, Theology
Most people are surprised to learn how many "types" of kosher there are. "Gateway Center for Israel" director Nic Lesmeister breaks down the two main kinds of kosher in this video.
Jewish Life, Modern Israel, Theology
Nic Lesmeister, director of "Gateway Center for Israel," explains how God made a particular choice to covenant Himself to the Jewish people, and how Gentiles can and should embrace this to further the mission of world redemption.
The Hebrew Roots and/or One Law Theology movement is gaining momentum today. Gateway Center for Israel director Nic Lesmeister quickly shares why these movements are unhealthy.
The term "Gentile" is used a lot in the Bible. But what does it mean to be a Gentile? Nic Lesmeister, Director of "Gateway Center for Israel," gives a short and sweet answer in this video.
People fail to realize that the Bible is a book about Jews and Gentiles, or Israel and the Nations. Why did God create these two distinctions? How does this work today? "Gateway Center for Israel" director Nic Lesmeister shares three reasons for this distinction.
It is perplexing how many terms we hear in the media today to describe certain parts of Israel. In this video, Nic explains exactly what one of the most famous names (the West Bank) actually means.
Modern Israel, Theology
Director Nic Lesmeister, Gateway Center for Israel, explains how God's universal plan of salvation actually started with His call to Abram and how the destiny of the Church will always be tied to the People of Israel.
Theology, Jewish History
As a pastor, you may understand that Israel is important, but don’t know what to do next. Nic outlines three ways that you and your church can begin to biblically engage with Israel.
Jewish Outreach, Theology
Who has the "right" to the Land of Israel - Jews or Palestinians? What does the Bible say about the Jewish people's claim to the Land of Israel? In this video, Nic shares key Scriptures that highlight what God has to say about this conflicting issue.
Modern Israel, Theology
Over the years, many Christians have unintentionally fallen into two major ditches trying to love and relate to Jewish people. Nic explains the effects of these pitfalls, and how Gateway Church seeks to humbly model a more balanced approach that is biblically honest yet sincerely respectful of Jewish identity.
Jewish Outreach, Theology
Nic Lesmeister, director of Gateway Center for Israel, sits down to interview international lawyer Andrew Tucker from the Netherlands. Andrew leads an initiative called "Thinc," which advocates for the legal defense of Israel in places like the International Criminal Court, the European Union and the United Nations. Andrew discusses "lawfare" as a weapon to delegitimize the State of Israel, as well as the Two-State Solution as a means for peace in the Middle East.
Antisemitism, Jewish Life, Modern Israel
Well over 90% of the stories in the Bible happened due to the geography of the land in which the stories took place. By learning the geography of Israel and the Bible lands, you'll unearth new understanding of your Bible and of God's promises to the Jewish people.
As the most discussed injustice today, it is vital that Christians engage in thoughtful dialogue about racism. The key divisional issue in the Early Church, however, was not skin color – but enmity between Gentile and Jewish believers that led to Jewish persecution. In this video, Nic explains how Paul foresaw this problem as he wrote Galatians, and how the eventual healing of this FIRST divisional wound will affect all others as a result.
Modern Israel, Theology
When the Apostle Paul said "there is no longer Jew or Gentile" in Galatians 3:28, what did he mean? Do believers in Jesus lose their ethnic distinctions when they put their faith in the Messiah? "Gateway Center for Israel" director Nic Lesmeister describes Paul's vision for "equality with distinction" to help understand this verse.
“Has the time come for You to establish Your kingdom here on earth?” Many scholars believe this question asked by Jesus’ disciples in Acts 1:6 was way off base – to say the least. But, was it? In this video, Nic reminds us how important it is to view scripture through a Jewish lens to gain a full understanding of its meaning.
Did you know it is possible to be Jewish without Christianity, but impossible to be a Christian without Judaism? In this video, Nic explains three reasons why the Church’s relationship with Jewish people is not an option in order to be all that God desires us to be.
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