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Nic Lesmeister
Kanye West drew media attention during an interview with Fox News when he claimed that the "true" Jewish race is represented by "the 12 lost tribes of Judah," or, as he stated, "the people known as the race Black." But what did he mean by this controversial statement?
Step into the Gateway Center for Israel offices with Nic Lesmeister and meet our newest team member, Teaching Pastor David Blease!
The major Jewish holidays (or feasts) are typically separated into two categories: those in the fall and those in the spring. The first important thing to know is where these holidays originated in the Bible. In Leviticus 23, God details what He calls the “appointed times” (Hebrew: moedim) during the annual Jewish calendar. God knew […]
There are so many places in the modern country of Jordan that most pastors will never visit, yet these sites are where so many popular Bible stories took place. One great example of this is the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah. This event interests nearly every Christian and church leader, so getting to visit a possible site of this destroyed city was exciting.
Although marred by centuries of misunderstanding, God's intent from the beginning was for Jews and Christians to be inseparable partners in fulfilling His mission on earth. In this teaching recorded at Gateway Church’s annual Holocaust memorial service, Nic explains the ongoing importance of our partnership as he unpacks three ways Christians can lovingly relate to Jewish people - without compromising the Good News about their Messiah Jesus.
How can we respond to antisemitism? I’d like to propose four practical ways here through the acronym, C.A.R.E.
The ancient site of Machaerus, in the Dead Sea region of Jordan, is where John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod Antipas. What did John's final message to Jesus have in common with the Prophet Isaiah, and with us as well? Nic shares and encourages with this special, short teaching.
Scripture tells us that Moses took his final and most exhaustive look at the Promised Land from Mt. Nebo (located in present day Jordan) just before he died. In this short video, Nic explains a small but significant detail that most people overlook when they consider this biblical account.
Should followers of Jesus be pro-Israel or pro-Palestinian? Nic explains three quick and simple ways to understand the complex Middle East conflict in his Gateway Conference 2021 online breakout session.
While there is absolutely no requirement for Gentiles to observe the Jewish holidays, there is much wisdom, meaning, beauty and revelation when we choose to learn more about the Jewish foundation of our faith in Jesus!
In this special video update from May, 2021, Nic shares valuable context and understanding about the conflict between Hamas (Gaza) and Israel - and how believers can pray when terror and violence grip the region.
Typically, Shavuot and the Christian holiday of Pentecost occur on the same day. Yet there is one astonishing connection between the Jewish and Christian celebrations of this holiday that most followers of Jesus do not know...
What are some very practical ways to actively love the Jewish people? Learn how to be messengers of the Good News in a way that is sincere and honoring towards our Jewish friends. And lastly, learn how you can actively defend the Jewish people from rising antisemitism and anti-Zionism.
How can you gain a heart-based revelation of God's love for Israel & the Jewish people? Learn the simple importance of following the Bible's instruction to pray for the Jewish people. And also learn the deep value of friendship with Jewish people -- those who follow Jesus and those that do not.
Explore the three key parts to establish a healthy theology of Israel & the Jewish people. Discover some of the most harmful, unhealthy theologies of Israel - including the "Mother of all Heresies." Learn also about some of the commonly misunderstood Scriptures regarding Israel.
At Gateway, our desire is to exemplify a new model of relating to the Jewish people. What does a "biblical and sincere love for Israel and the Jewish people" look like? Learn the three major elements that can help Christians display this kind of love: a healthy theology, a heart-based revelation, and an active response.