Gateway Center for Israel
Gateway Center for Israel

"Gateway Center for Israel" is an organization based in Southlake, TX, seeking to engage church leaders with Israel. It was formed in 2019, as an initiative of Gateway Church, to resource and inspire the global church to a biblical and sincere love for Israel and the Jewish people. "Gateway Center for Israel" does this through research, publications, media engagement, and events. Nic Lesmeister is the Director of "Gateway Center for Israel".

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Gateway Center for Israel

Racism and ethnic divisions have been the loudest conversations of recent months in America. This important discussion, unfortunately, has often not found a home in the Christian Church. We feel that many of the church-based conversations on race overlook a key understanding from the Bible.
Outreach to the Jewish People
Perspective Paper
This paper will argue that the good news of Jesus is both relevant and essential for the Jewish people, but a thoughtful, sincere approach to Jewish outreach is also needed.
Should Israel be a priority for the local church? Nic Lesmeister with "Gateway Center for Israel" moderates a discussion with four senior pastors as they describe how prioritizing Israel has positively changed their personal lives and that of their churches.
Messianic Judaism
Perspective Paper
With the re-emergence of Messianic Judaism as a distinct religious tradition toward the end the twentieth century, there has been much debate about the legitimacy of Messianic Jewish identity within the Church and also within the wider Jewish world.
The Church is growing rapidly in its understanding of its Jewish foundations. Nic joins Dr. Jon Chasteen from The King’s University to discuss why pastors should care about Israel, weird expressions of Jewish culture in churches, and the growing threats of anti-Semitism. Listen and find out more on this episode of Church In Tension.
Nic and Rabbi Ari Waldman, lead rabbi at Baruch HaShem Messianic Synagogue in Dallas, discuss the Jewish perspective on several topics including Replacement Theology, why many Jewish believers in Jesus continue to identify culturally as Jewish, and how both Gentile and Jewish believing congregations can work together to further the Kingdom of God.
Is There Unknown Antisemitism in Your Theology?
Many scholars conclude that Hitler’s violent antisemitism was enabled by a wake of anti-Jewish theologies of church heroes like Calvin and Luther. Living in a post-Holocaust world, it is difficult for modern Christians to believe that antisemitism was flowing in the lifeblood of the Church for thousands of years. Yet, it was. Why?
Nearly all Christians know that Jesus fulfilled the biblical feast of Passover as the spotless Lamb who was slain for our sins. However, Jesus quickly fulfilled another biblical feast just days later, too! Watch to learn the connection between Jesus and First Fruits.
Bullet Holes in the Holy City
From Jerusalem, Nic Lesmeister shares some of the biblical and modern events that have taken place at or around the bullet-riddled Zion Gate—one of the eight Old City gates found today.
Nic and Matthew Hernandez, a Next-Gen pastor at Gateway Church, discuss how the Jewish foundations of Christianity have changed his life and ministry. Specifically, how celebrating the Shabbat (Sabbath) each week has revolutionized his family's love for Jesus.
Nic talks with Pastor Marcus Brecheen, who leads the Gateway Church Network. Marcus and his team have relationships with over 100 churches in the Network. Pastor Marcus discusses why so many pastors feel uncomfortable engaging with Israel in their churches, and how a value for Israel fits in a local church.
Derek and Nicole Dunn, both pastors at Gateway Church, join Nic to discuss a life-changing experience they had in February 2020 in Israel. They share how this miraculous moment on the Sea of Galilee impacted them, and how a love for Israel has deepened their love for Jesus.
Nic talks with Pastor Thabo Marias, who leads Christian Revival Church in London, UK. CRC is a multi-campus church committed to revival in the UK and Europe. Nic and Thabo discuss why pastors should have a personal value for Israel, and how to lead their staff and church into a love for the Jewish people.
Replacement Theology
Perspective Paper
How should the Church understand its identity in view of God's promises to Israel and the Jewish people? This paper will define what is called "replacement theology" and argue that Israel remains a distinct entity that is not superseded by the Church.
Paul Always Went “To the Jew First,” So Why Did We Stop?
What this zealous Pharisee experienced on the road to Damascus was not conversion to Christianity, but acceptance of a new life and calling offered by the Jewish Messiah, Jesus. The mission of Paul’s life may have changed—but his identification as a son of Israel did not.
The Church and Jewish Identity
Perspective Paper
The following paper will outline the biblical perspective on Jewish identity and argue that an ongoing distinction between Jewish and Gentile believers is fundamental to Christian theology.
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