David Blease

David Blease is an American pastor and Christian influencer. He is the Teaching Pastor at “Gateway Center for Israel”. David graduated from The King’s University in 2016 with a degree in Christian Studies. In 2012, David attended the Gateway Conference, where he learned the Jewish context of scripture which significantly reshaped his understanding of the Bible. This newfound understanding helped deepen David’s relationship with God, his passion for Israel, and his love for the Jewish people. He now dedicates much of his time to teaching the Church how to develop and foster a sincere love for Israel and the Jewish people. David Blease and his wife (Mikayla Blease) have three children and live in Dallas/Fort Worth.

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David Blease

NOTE: The following was recorded on 09/26/2023, just 11 days before war broke out in Israel on 10/7/2023. Watch this informative interview by Teaching Pastor, David Blease, with Gateway Center for Israel as he sits down with Guy and Ilya, two young Jewish Israeli believers in Jesus, who discuss what it was like growing up in Israel. They compare the differing cultural and theological perspectives of believers in the Land vs. those of the Western church, talk about the mutual need Jewish and Gentile believers have for one other, and share the miraculous way God brings unity between Arabs and...
If Paul "converted" on the road to Damascus, what did he convert FROM - or TO? While a self-proclaimed "Apostle to the Gentiles," Paul did not abandon his Judaism, but rather had a life-changing encounter with the Jewish Messiah. Teaching Pastor David Blease with Gateway Center for Israel explains how this faulty concept has led to persecution (and even death) of Jewish people for centuries, and an erroneous theology that is still found in churches today.
Do Christians miss a key component of the Bible's message when we skip over parts we don't think apply to us - such as God's land covenant with Abraham? Teaching Pastor David Blease, Gateway Center for Israel, emphasizes the importance of God's promises about the physical land of Canaan (modern day Israel) to the Jewish people, and how this promise is also a very real part of our future.
How did the brilliant and brave theologian Martin Luther, a hero of the Protestant faith, turn from being a loving advocate of the Jewish people to spewing hateful antisemitic rhetoric near the end of his life? What happened to cause such a drastic change of heart? Gateway Center for Israel's David Blease shares the shocking story of Martin Luther and how his choices affected history.
Pastor David Blease, Gateway Center for Israel, sits down with Anna Salton Eisen, friend and member of the local Jewish community. As a daughter of two Holocaust survivors and speaker and leading voice in Holocaust education, Anna makes the connection between modern antisemitism and the atrocities of the past.
Teaching Pastor at the Gateway Center for Israel, David Blease, gives insight into how we as believers should approach the topic of prophecy being fulfilled in Israel. Can being so concerned with prophecy make us forget God's heart for people in real time?
Should the State of Israel be described as an "oppressive occupier" or "apartheid state?" Pastor David Blease with Gateway Center for Israel separates the facts from the fiction surrounding Israel's complicated relationship with the Palestinians - and offers evidence that while imperfect, Israel is still the freest country in the Middle East.
You may have heard “Hamas” mentioned on the news or in conversation, but who is Hamas? Whether launching rockets from the Gaza Strip or terrorizing civilians in Israel, today, Pastor David Blease at the Gateway Center for Israel breaks down a simple question: “Who is Hamas?”
Gateway Center for Israel teaching pastor, David Blease, talks about how the Gospel is not about us, but is about God's love for people. He explains what God's salvation intent has always been and how it intertwines for both Jews and Gentiles.
Pastor David Blease, from "Gateway Center for Israel," explains the concept of gezerah shavah, a method of biblical interpretation that compares different passages of scripture that use the same wording in order to gain a deeper understanding of what the Bible is saying.
Has the Bible ever seemed to contradict itself to you? Pastor David Blease, from "Gateway Center for Israel," explains how the Hebrew worldview of the Bible helps make sense of these paradoxes.
How can we be sure the Torah, or scriptures, we read today are original? David Blease describes the painstaking process, laced with rules and reverence, used by dedicated Jewish scholars to ensure each word and letter were precisely copied from generation to generation.
All Christians revere the Ten Commandments, right? We like to think we obey them all, but isn’t it really just nine out of ten? David Blease discusses the meaning of commandment #3 – remembering and keeping the Sabbath – and how it is still vital for Christians today.
Does the Bible Condone Slavery?
What does the Bible say about slavery? Does the Bible condone it? There’s much confusion on some of the most controversial texts in scripture regarding slavery. Let’s take a closer look at these, while also answering the question unequivocally: No, the Bible does not condone slavery no matter how you contextualize it.
The Bible often paints a contrast between things of "the flesh" and things of "the spirit." Which one does the Bible say is good, and which one is evil? "Gateway Center for Israel" pastor David Blease explores this important question.
Should Christians celebrate Easter? This is a prevalent question that resurfaces yearly due to the claim that Easter has pagan roots. Is Easter a pagan holiday, and should we be celebrating it? In this article, we will address the significant questions surrounding Easter that many are confronted with during this season.
If a Gentile putting their faith in Jesus "becomes a Christian," what is a Jewish person called that accepts Jesus? Through the use of Scripture, David Blease briefly explains how God's definition of Jewish and Gentile identity in Jesus may be surprisingly different from our traditional views.
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