David Blease

David Blease is an American pastor and Christian influencer. He is the Teaching Pastor at “Gateway Center for Israel”. David graduated from The King’s University in 2016 with a degree in Christian Studies. In 2012, David attended the Gateway Conference, where he learned the Jewish context of scripture which significantly reshaped his understanding of the Bible. This newfound understanding helped deepen David’s relationship with God, his passion for Israel, and his love for the Jewish people. He now dedicates much of his time to teaching the Church how to develop and foster a sincere love for Israel and the Jewish people. David Blease and his wife (Mikayla Blease) have three children and live in Dallas/Fort Worth.

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David Blease

The Gospel of John is often misinterpreted as being anti-Semitic due to the mistranslation of the Greek word "Ioudaios," commonly rendered as "Jew." It's important to note that Jesus and most characters in the Gospels were Jewish, and the distinctions made in the gospel highlight internal differences in beliefs and customs rather than targeting the entire Jewish population.
In this video, David Blease explores the Jewish foundation of the Christian faith and how to engage with it in a healthy, balanced way. He explains three theological perspectives—Replacement Theology, One-Law Theology, and Olive Tree Theology - highlighting the strengths and pitfalls of each. The Center for Israel advocates for an "Olive Tree" approach, which upholds both the unity and distinct identities of Jewish and Gentile believers within God’s plan.
In this video, David Blease clarifies the meaning of "Gentile," explaining that it refers to non-Jews, not necessarily "pagans" or nonbelievers, despite some common misunderstandings. He discusses how, in the New Testament, Gentiles are non-Jewish believers who have been brought into God's family through faith in the Messiah, while the distinction between Jew and Gentile still exists, yet they are unified in Messiah.
Does the book of Galatians teach that Gentiles have to become Jewish to believe in Jesus? Or have all human distinctions been done away with in the Lord? In this Learn video, David unpacks how Galatians, one of the richest letters in the New Testament, is also one of the most misunderstood books Paul ever wrote.
Did you know God is a "family man?" It's interesting how He refers to Himself in the Bible as the God of Israel (or Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) more than any other of His names. Through Scripture, David Blease unpacks how Israel is His chosen family and has always been God's priority throughout history - as evidenced by Messiah Jesus' past, present, and future Jewish identity.
Why, when, and how did the Church get the idea that Jews killed Jesus? Was there a mistranslation of New Testament Scripture that contributed to Christian disdain for Jewish people? David Blease examines the Jewish cultural context of the Early Church, particularly the book of John.
What are the first steps towards developing a biblical, sincere love of Israel & the Jewish people? Teaching Pastor David Blease, Gateway Center for Israel, shares the how and why Gateway Church prioritizes "to the Jew first" according to Romans 1:16.
Do Bible verses written to Israel also apply to Christians? Haven't we been "grafted in" to the family? The answer is, "Well, yes. However..." Gateway Center for Israel Teaching Pastor David Blease explains the importance of understanding God's character, as well as scriptural context, before appropriating biblical passages originally intended for natural Israel & the Jewish people.
When non-Jews join the family of God through faith in Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, does that mean we become Jewish? Aren't we "grafted in" to the tree of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Well, yes...and no.
David Blease poses some hard questions in this session of the Israel Masterclass, such as "What about the Palestinians? Aren't they the true indigenous people of the region and the Jewish immigrants just colonialists?" Using biblical accounts, and historical and archaeological records, he examines the timeline and details of arguably the most intense geopolitical controversy in history.
In this Israel Masterclass session about antisemitism, David Blease examines God's heart for the Jewish people as revealed in Scripture. He also details the surprising number of documented atrocities committed against Jewish people (many sadly at the hands of self-proclaimed Christians) spanning the centuries up until today. David concludes with a challenge to the Church today to examine our hearts towards God's chosen people and not repeat the same mistakes of the past.
Is it Okay for Christians to Celebrate Passover?
Easter may be the most important celebration for Christians, as Passover is for the Jewish community. Yet, many questions surround these two holidays. How are they connected? Where do they diverge? And ultimately, which, if not both, should Christians be celebrating?
In this Israel Masterclass session, Gateway Center for Israel Teaching Pastor David Blease defines the widely-held (yet incorrect) theology rooted in 1700 years of Christian tradition -- replacement theology. Using history and Scripture, David helps us identify this faulty belief (that the Church has replaced Israel in God's covenant promises), describes why it is so dangerous, and explains the four negative consequences that will result from embracing this error as truth.
Was Martin Luther Antisemitic?
Martin Luther, a towering figure in Christian history, is celebrated for launching the Protestant Reformation and championing theological reform from the Catholic Church. However, a lesser-known aspect of his life demands our attention. Was Martin Luther Antisemitic?
Ari Waldman, lead rabbi at Baruch Ha Shem Messianic Congregation in Dallas, Texas, shares what it is like to be a second-generation Messianic Jewish believer during this informative (and humorous) interview with Gateway Center for Israel Teaching Pastor David Blease. Topics include the cultural differences between Gentile and Jewish believers, what to expect at a weekly Messianic Jewish service, and the number one truth Rabbi Waldman wishes Christians would understand about Jewish people.
Watch this informative conversation between David Blease and Israel Pochtar, Pastor of Beit Hallel Congregation in Israel. As a pastor in the land, within earshot of rockets and explosions in Gaza, Pastor Israel shares the reality of living in a war-zone, the loss of a member of their congregation, and gives insightful perspective to western believers who feel far from the war. Whether next door or across an ocean, our faith brings us together in Yeshua.
Traditionally, scholars have held the position that Jesus spoke Aramaic, NOT Hebrew - but is this truly accurate? And why would many Christian experts be so unsettled by the idea that He did? In this "Ask Us Anything" video, Gateway Center for Israel Teaching Pastor David Blease examines the historical and scriptural evidence for a Hebrew-speaking Jesus.
Scott Volk (Together for Israel) shares a fascinating conversation with David Blease (Gateway Center for Israel) about the importance of viewing Israel, the apple of God's eye, through a biblical lens. Using Scripture and his own testimony, Scott explains why the vital "Israel piece" should be a priority for any church or ministry, which will set the stage for Jesus' eventual second coming.
What does the Bible mean by the phrase "provoke Israel to jealousy?" Did the nation of Israel only serve as a messenger for God's Word? How do our God-given identities differ from His assignments for our lives? In this interview, Gateway Center for Israel's David Blease and Jewish Voice Ministries International's Ezra Benjamin examine the answers and the result: a mutual blessing and unity between Jewish and Gentile believers that will fulfill God's ultimate redemptive purposes on earth.
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