Resource Library Videos Jewish Context Before you Read Galatians

Jewish Context Before you Read Galatians

 9373 Views   11 min    Nov 20, 2024   

Does the book of Galatians teach that Gentiles have to become Jewish to believe in Jesus? Or have all human distinctions been done away with in the Lord? In this Learn video, David unpacks how Galatians, one of the richest letters in the New Testament, is also one of the most misunderstood books Paul ever wrote.

David explains that to fully grasp its meaning, Galatians must be viewed through the proper context: the biblical lens of the Jew/Gentile relationship. He also discusses what Galatians 3:28 actually means when it states "there is no longer Jew and Gentile, slave or free, male or female" in the Lord, and clarifies the important difference between a distinction and a barrier.

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