Resource Library Videos Connecting 3,000 Years of Israel’s History

Connecting 3,000 Years of Israel's History

 1683 Views   38 min    Nov 6, 2024   

It’s been said that in order to know where we are going, we must understand where we have been. The Jewish people have lived this, suffering centuries of persecution but are miraculously still here. Why is that? And do Christians need to understand why?

In this concise 30-minute teaching, Nic gives a fascinating overview of 3000 years of Jewish history. He begins with the Hebrew Scriptures (Abraham to Yeshua) and then touches on the centuries of Diaspora, including the Jewish European "Age of Enlightenment," Russian pogroms, the Holocaust, and the prophetic Jewish return to the Land of Israel.

Nic expounds upon why a historical understanding of God's covenant promises to a particular people (both unconditional and conditional) is needed, which is to understand God's universal redemptive plan for the entire world and to have a biblical perspective of the days in which we live. Because Gentile believers are grafted into God's family by faith in the Jewish Messiah, he emphasizes how the Church must understand that Israel's history and destiny are also OUR history and destiny - and why it is important to understand the vital role only we can play in encouraging, supporting, and praying for Israel & the Jewish people.

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