Israeli Settlers & the West Bank: How Should We View the Conflict?

Episode 08


The West Bank. Judea and Samaria. The Biblical Heartland. Areas A, B, and C. Just what is the actual name for the small patch of Middle East land at the center of so much controversy? If God gave this land where 80% of the Bible occurred to the Jewish people, then why does it have an “undetermined” status internationally, with certain Jewish settlements considered illegal? Bottom line: why can’t there be a lasting peace and will Kingdom believers play a role?

Nic and David jump into these very complicated political and spiritual waters to share different perspectives to help cut through the confusion. Discussion touches on what it means to be politically “right” or “left” in Israel, the history of the area from biblical times through the 1992 Oslo Accords, the treatment of Palestinians by Israel, why 70% of the West Bank Palestinians polled applauded the violence of October 7, and what the Scriptural and prophetic outcomes may be for the land in the future.

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