Hip Hop Dancer to Pastor to Israel Advocate with Ryan Warren
Season 2: Episode 04
In today’s episode, David Blease talks with Ryan Warren about his journey from hip-hop dancing to pastoring and advocating for the Jewish community in Dallas. Ryan shares how he built deep friendships with Orthodox Jewish leaders by genuinely seeking to understand their faith, emphasizing the need for Christians to approach the Jewish people with humility and respect rather than focusing on conversion. They also discuss the impact of recent attacks on the Jewish community and how Christians can respond by building real relationships and standing in true solidarity.
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I posed the question in our 2000 years of split, are there things in our theology that Christians have gotten right? Absolutely. Are there things we’ve gotten wrong? For sure, a hundred percent. Could it be the same on the Jewish side and we just won’t know unless we want to understand.
Well, welcome back to another episode of Covenant and Conflict. We have a great one for you today. We have a very special guest. Ryan Warren is in the house.
Thanks for having me.
I don’t know if we’ll land on this title, but here’s what I’m thinking. Hip hop dancer turned, pastor turned Israel advocate. Let’s talk about it.
It’s funny when you put it like that, so many people will be like, first, the big confusion point is hip hop dancer turned Pastor.
That’s the first iteration of your journey. That’s the first. I can’t wait to see the fourth where we
Go. I know, I know.
So walk us through what was the beginning of your journey
And for me, it’s been so natural and God connected it so early that
Doesn’t seem that different. But then when I hear other people say it, I’m like, oh, I guess it is a little strange. But no, I wanted to dance when I was four or five years old as
We all do. But I think you could dance, which is helpful.
Well, maybe
We all desire to dance.
Yeah. I had a mom who was very supportive. So she was big in the disco era. So I think that’s where I got it from. So when I was five, I wanted to learn to dance like Michael Jackson.
As we all did.
Praise the Lord.
And man, I just started, when I talk about dance, I will talk about culture a lot.
My mom being the good white mom, she was put me in a dance studio.
I wanted to learn a robot and moonwalk. I ended up doing jazz walks.
What did jazz walks?
You don’t need to know what else. No one really does those anymore. We’ll Google that later. So yeah, so I just started dancing and I fell in love with it. When I was in middle school, I really got into hip hop. My journey there, I had some really good teachers. And then honestly, I can just say it was a gift from God. My first travel job was right out of high school,
It turned into a career very, very fast. And then I grew up going to a Baptist church. So I walked down the aisle to receive Jesus into my heart when I was seven,
Fully surrendered in 2007,
Turned 20 and my wife and I, we started our family. We had our first child, and in May of oh eight I got a job with a Christian dance convention. So once I surrendered within one year, God took my passion for him and my passion for dance and put it together. So I was with a convention and we traveled around the country bringing dance back to a heart of worship. So that’s where the hip hop and the pastor got together rather early.
Did I hear that you were a backup dancer for someone big? I don’t want to name a name if it’s
Wrong. Yeah, so it was Destiny’s Child that’ll age me right there. Here in the Dallas area. It’s a small pool of dancers. So when anyone needed guy dancers, they’d call a group of us. And we danced with Destiny’s Child, which was Beyonce’s group and Carrie Underwood. And then once I surrendered what was labeled to work with Christian artists like Carrie, job and Brit Nicole. Wow. Yeah. Beautiful.
That’s the story.
So how long were you dancing with this Christian ministry and how did that then turn into actually pastoring with less dance? Obviously still some, I’m sure.
Well, everything happened right here in Dallas. So I was with that ministry called Dance Revolution. Shout out Michelle for seven years. At that same time, my wife and I, Amy, we were coming here to Gateway Church.
So you were just
Attending? We were just attending. Got it. And here at Gateway, they would have really big Christmas musicals. And so I was like, well shoot, I’m a dancer. Let’s dance for my church. And that turned into a job. I came on stop in 2015. And in that department I felt so thankful to have a career as a professional dancer. I just wanted to help other artists achieve their goals in the arts. So started working with artists and really then pastoring a creative community.
What does it feel like to be rejected in a hundred of auditions? Fear of man, always seeking someone else’s approval in the arts.
Yeah, that’s interesting. Anything about that?
Yep. So we were able to walk with people through that. So I really started pastoring artists. And then in 2021, God spoke that season was over and laid down the dance career for about two years and then ended up at the Dallas campus, which is in the middle of the largest Jewish population here in Texas. In Dallas. Dallas. Yeah.
Well the first time I met you was when I was a part of the Gateway musical.
Yes, you did Footloose. Footloose, yes. He did dance to Footloose Guys
Did Dance Footloose. And I did the audition and they said, here’s the dance and here’s the song. And I started dancing and they were like, you have to sing too.
Then I started singing and I stopped dancing and they’re like, you have to dance too. And I was like, I can’t sing and dance at the same time, and then you casted me. So I was like, that’s your fault.
Saw my cards early.
You did a great job. You man, appreciate it. I still, I always would lip sync cause I can’t sing, so I never danced and sing at
The same time. See that’s That’s the move right there.
Yeah, but you can sing so,
Oh, I dunno about that. So then you go from full-time dance kind of pastoring the artists to pastoring in what context of Dallas?
The Equip Pastor. That’s our discipleship classes. Got it. So when people want to go deeper in their walk, I will help create class curriculums and class structures where people can go deeper in the faith with Jesus.
So how aware were you that as now a pastor in Dallas, that you’re in the midst of one of the largest Jewish communities in Texas at least?
Yes, very aware. It’s one of those things where you can look back at your life and be like, dang, that’s what you were doing? God, I listened to this podcast. So a lot of us didn’t grow up. Remember, I don’t remember hearing anything about Israel, but I can look back and see that I had a very innate passion and love for Israel and the Jewish people. My first memory was when the passion of the Christ came out. I think I was a junior or senior in high school and people, the big question was the movie Antisemitic. And I remember thinking to myself, how can a movie about Jesus be antisemitic? He was Jewish and I was so confused because if anything, to me, Jesus’ life and history exemplified the Jewish people. It just made them incredible.
I didn’t even understand how there could be an antisemitism woven into a story. And now looking back, I just would get so excited when I would meet Jewish people or anything. And so when Gateway opened up their Dallas campus in 2016, the big talk was the pastors that were connecting with the Jewish community.
I thought that was the coolest thing in the world. So when I went to Dallas in 2021 and I got the job not knowing that the Jewish aspect fell under my leadership, and when I found out I was just beside myself excited to get started. Oh yeah.
So what was that initial, the initial step? It’s crazy. What did that look like? It’s crazy. Were you just knocking down, knocking on synagogue doors? Were you reaching out to previous kind of rabbis and Jewish people that had relationship with Gateway? What’d that look like?
Sure. So literally, I have this in a timeline because my oversight, the campus pastor asked me to type out a timeline on July 31st. I literally, literally prayed and said, God, would you provide a unique way to become friends with the Jewish community because you can’t just knock on their doors. There you go. Especially in a very Jewish community. They keep Christians in churches kind of at arms distance. We all know the persecution done in Jesus’ name for almost 2000 years.
I think sadly, most people don’t know that, but we know, we know that.
Yeah. So there’s been a lot of persecution in Jesus’ name for 2000 years. And then also Christianity still looks like a conversion. If someone’s a Christian, there’s no really Jewish identity there. And a big part of the Jewish way of life is to protect Jewish identity. I mean, we see that in the first five books of the Bible. It’s mandated by God to be a separated holy
People do this, wear this, don’t eat this. So you can be set apart, you can be
And Christianity for thousands of years has had this idea that, well, if you receive Jesus now, you cut off that Jewish stuff, cut off Jewish identity, Jewish markers, and now convert into Christianity.
Exactly. So I knew I needed a unique way. So on July 31st, I prayed and asked the Lord for a way. The next day, one of our congregants at the Dallas campus came up and said her son lived two streets behind us and
Behind you
Behind the Dallas campus. So walking distance from the Dallas campus, and he was an Orthodox Jew and her daughter converted to Judaism and she was pregnant and there was an infestation of mosquitoes due to a plot of land that the Dallas campus owned that kind of had not been run very well. So she asked if we could help with the pond. So I connect with my buddy Zev, and that’s where we met. So he was an Orthodox Jewish man. We got together to help fix
This. Is Zev the one that she was talking about? Yes.
Got it. Zev was the one she was talking about and we just became, he’s one of my greatest friends. I’ve been introduced to his whole family. And from there it’s just snowballed and started with us trying to help the community fix mosquitoes. And now the rest is history.
You prayed for an interesting way to build relationship
Who’d have known
And we’re turning that pond into a Holocaust memorial now. Yeah. That’s amazing. Because we are in the largest population, Jewish population in the Dallas Metroplex. There’s a lot of people in the neighborhood who are directly impacted by the Holocaust. Their grandparents survived. So we’re telling their stories in this pond area. So it’s turned into quite a miraculous thing.
So when is that going to be done? Do we know?
Probably within the next year. It’s been paused a few times, but
So has the mosquitoes problem been dealt with or not really?
Yes, we do have a pump in there helping with the water retention. Got it. But we do have much bigger plants.
Okay, that’s so cool.
So now that you’ve developed relationship with the Jewish community, you talked about Zev and his family, it’s kind of now become even more because I know that you’ve connected with rabbis and I saw you speak at oh seven C, which October 7th Coalition uniting Christians to stand up for support for Israel. So how did it go from Zev and his family to now Rabbis and Israel 3, 6, 5, and the broader Orthodox community?
Well, this is my scriptural view on it. Obviously I still have to grow on it. My wife would say I can grow in this area. But in Ephesians two and three, we see an incredible marriage between you and Gentile, culminating in one new man. And then Paul, obviously at the end of Ephesians talks about a man’s responsibility in marriage, a woman’s responsibility in marriage. So you see this theme of marriage throughout the whole book?
Well, I know in my marriage, if I love my wife with the intention to change her or get her to believe what I believe or change her perspective, that’s not necessarily the purest formal love. It might be manipulation and my wife can pick up on it a mile away. Yeah.
Swinging a miss,
Swinging a miss, big
Miss. All the married people say,
So I take that same attitude to pursuing the Jewish people. I think sometimes when we as Christians, when we meet a Jewish person, we have keep our evangelical hat on and immediately we’re just trying to change ’em or convert ’em or just make them believe what we believe. And without really getting to know them and hearing them and hearing their life stories, their struggles, their parents survived, the Holocaust, their experience with
So I just took off my evangelical hat on, I just put on my pastoral hat a friendship hat to just be a friend,
Truly support them and listen to them. And that’s opened up so many doors. So when I’m with these rabbis or the people, I’m not there to share what I know. I’m here to learn about them.
I guys, I’ve just discovered such a faith, a 2000 year rooted faith. We know that Christianity and rabbinical Judaism were forming at the same time calling fraternal twins. So there’s really so much we have in common. And I think when we come together and we talk about those things, we really actually can be a full picture of the living God. And that’s what I’ve discovered, and it’s just been incredible. These are some of these rabbis, some of rabbis are considered the most staunch around the world, but when I’m with them, we’re just like brothers and we can talk about anything. They let me not let me, but I can talk about Jesus, I can talk about my faith. And we just listen to each other when we grow
Together because you’re authentically talking about you. You’re not trying to pigeonhole them, receive and believe what you believe, which I think is where a lot of Christians get into trouble. And I think it’s a really good conversation. I know the other end of that spectrum is Christians will befriend, the Jewish community won’t mention Jesus won’t talk about their faith, I’m just here to love you. But it’s almost like they have this Jesus piece behind their back and either they have a warped view of the end times and they think that Jesus is going to deal with it, so we don’t need to talk about Jesus. Or they’re waiting for that moment to pull out the Jesus card and then it makes the Jewish community feel like, oh, so you were doing this the whole time. You weren’t really interested in me. You were just trying to fluff me up for this moment of decision. And so I think what you’ve done and what we encourage Christians to do is be honest, be honest about, I love Jesus. Jesus changed my life. I believe Jesus is Jewish and he’s a Jewish messiah. I believe in him, but I am not trying to force you to believe that he’s changed my life. We can talk about Jewish identity and how we affirm Jewish identity. These are the things that actually allow relationship to flourish. Not this hard pressed end of the spectrum where receive Jesus now or I’m
Or the other end of the spectrum of, you know what, I’m not going to talk about it. It’s like, well, that’s not authentic. If Jesus really changed your life, he probably should come up in conversation. So it’s that balance, that tension that we always talk about
100%. And it’s so cool. At the beginning, I didn’t want to offend them or whatever, so I’d be like, guys, I’m going to talk about Jesus. My life is built on my faith in him and my relationship with him. So he’s going to come up. But to your point, never be never shoving it down their throat. And would literally, the rabbis would say, we’ll never tell you what to believe. They were so kind and they receive it. And I’ve had some of the deepest conversations about Jesus with rabbis. They’re genuinely interested in what we believe, and I genuinely, genuinely interested in what they believed because when I hear them, I’m like, oh. So that’s what Jesus meant. That’s what he was. Life looked lot more similar to their life than mine.
Yeah, totally.
So it’s been amazing.
Yeah, when I’m just thinking too, I think a lot of times Christians read something like the Book of Acts and they see Paul having these open discussions with Jewish people in the synagogue and they think, well, that’s what Paul did. That’s what I can do. And it’s like pauses. First of all, he was Jewish. So there’s kind of this built in family discussion. Second, there’s not 1700 years of terrible Christian
History. Hundred percent.
That has really shifted the view of, like you said, from the Jewish community of the church, understandably so. Why is the cross this hard image? Well, because it’s been used to persecute Jewish people and the Nazis had belts that said, God is with us there. Were self-proclaimed Christians. 98% of Germany, I think were 97% of Germany were Christians. You have the Crusades, you have the Inquisition, all these things done in Christ’s name. And so now that’s part of our history. We can’t just forget that and go back to the book of Acts. Well, this is what happened in the book of Acts. Okay, well we’re in a different period now. And so we kind of have this idea that we can just kind of pick up where the Book of Acts left off. The Christians have done a lot of terrible things in the name of Christ. And now I think been on a journey of rethinking a lot of our theology, replacement theology, having to rethink this, especially post Holocaust, where we realized, oh, that’s where our theology ended up. We developed replacement theology for so long and we never really saw where does this lead,
If we really believe that we are the new spiritual Israel God’s rejected the Jewish people because they killed Jesus, not realizing Jesus was Jewish, all his disciples were Jewish. The early church was Jewish.
Well, no, we’re just going to kind of blatantly say the Jewish people killed Jesus, even though it’s theologically and logically idiotic. And that’s where it led was Germany, this very Christian nation having this idea that, oh, we know how to get rid of the problem. And I think the church was really confronted post World War
Where does our theology lead? Let’s rethink this. And it’s crazy now that we’ve almost forgotten. It’s like we’re back.
Well, and it’s cool to also look at Acts chapter two and know that the early church was a welcomed form of Judaism. They were making sacrifices in the temple at the exact same time. There was the Essenes that weren’t welcomed in the temple. So Jesus, his followers were welcomed because there was such a message of peace. And I think that’s just something to remember that it really wasn’t until Constantine politicized Christianity that we really see this split happen. So true. And when you talk to the rabbis today, sometimes I’ll talk to Christians and they’ll be like, well, they just hate Jesus. And I’m like, actually, they don’t hate Jesus.
Hate when the Christian doesn’t hear another way of life, hear another faith
Or value Jewish identity
Or value, Jewish identity. Just yesterday I was with a non-believing Jewish guy. He’s like, we love Jesus. It literally came out of his words, out of his mouth. And so I think we as Christians, we have an incredible opportunity right now. To your point. It’s like I always say, if someone was beat with a baseball bat to connect with ’em, you wouldn’t invite ’em to a baseball game. That’s
And I feel like with Jesus, they were beaten in Jesus’ name. I mean, guys, you can just Google it. You can Google Martin Luther’s Jews in their lies, the things that if a Jew converted to Christianity, they’d have to say these awful things in disown.
Yeah. Renou their
Renounce, their Judaism, eat bacon. They were forced to do crazy things. And that’s a lot of times, Christians, we don’t know this, but the Jewish people know this. You can go to non-believing Jewish websites and they’ll have Martin Luther, the Jews and their lives on the
What we as Christians can do today is we can be the living Torah of Jesus Christ. We can show them what Jesus, how he lived, how he walked, how he loved. So I feel like with the Jewish people, when I’m around them, when they’re studying the Torah, they’re learning about Jesus. And we can come along and show them what that looks like alive. And also when I’m around them, I get to learn more about Jesus. Where is Jesus in the Torah? Now, they’re not necessarily saying that specifically, but when I hear them talking, my brain’s like, oh my gosh, that’s Jesus. Oh my
God. And you’re learning about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
The father
Of the faith. Yeah. So it’s like you’re learning about the foundation that Jesus was standing on,
And Jesus says, it’ll know your mind by how we love one another, not how we argue theology, not how we convict, not how, but just how we love one another. And Jesus says, there’s no greater love than this. That one should lay down their life for a friend. And I feel like right now, Christians, with what’s happening in Israel, what’s happening on our college campuses, we have a great time to have a self-sacrificial love.
That speaks of a true agape love. More than anything we could try to argue or confront or convert.
Yeah. That’s so good. Well, you mentioned the state of Israel and the Jewish people. Now Postoc October 7th, we talked about how post World War ii, we had this kind of resurgence and rethinking of our theology. And now it seems like we’re going treading back downhill towards replacement theology and supersessionism and people thinking that Holocaust was exaggerated, ridiculous that it’s only been 70 years or so, and we’re already having these conversations and October 7th being the most Jewish people that have been murdered since the Holocaust. So how has that impacted the Jewish community? How have you seen October 7th and what’s happening in college campuses in light of relationship? And what can Christians do? I mean, what’s our role here
Immediately? There was so many emotions. I tell this story eight days after October 7th attacks, I joined Israel pro-Israel rally here that Israel 365 put on here in Dallas. And I went to Target before and just filled my basket with stuff to donate. And so just not really knowing how to be involved, but knowing I wanted to be involved. And immediately just the encounter between Joshua and the commander of the Heaven’s armies
To mind. And Joshua goes up to him and says, are you on our side? And the commander says, no, you better be on my side. I think the line’s been drawn with October 7th. God will always defend his people. He will always protect his people, the Jewish people believing in Jesus, non believing in Jesus, he will protect his people. That’s who his covenant is with. I’ve heard so many stories of non Christ believing Jews tell of miraculous events of how they were saved. On October 7th,
Woman, she survived nine hours on a quarter tank of gas to get to safety. And she says, praise God.
It’s like modern Hanukkah.
Yes, a hundred percent. We both recently met a woman whose mother was killed on October 7th, but literally when I heard her tell the story was my mother was shot two times in the back, but praised God. And so I think there’s a line that’s been drawn
Because she wasn’t taking hostage, she wasn’t, her body wasn’t desecrated or anything like
That, but still finding God even in horrible times, I think that’s something I can’t relate to as a Christian living in America. So I think the biggest thing we can do as Christians is like the Bible says, weep with those who weep more with those who more and rejoice with those who rejoice just standing with them. It could just be a phone call. It could be starting the run for their lives groups or March for their lives every Sunday. Just being a listening ear, my wife and I, on October 7th anniversary, about a month ago, we attended two events to commemorate. And the evening one was at the synagogues here with the Jewish community. And we were walking out and I told my wife, I said, whenever I’m around the Jewish community, I feel like I get to see Jesus clear. Because when Jesus was born, there was a massacre of killing boys. Two years and under. Here we are 2000 years later, and there’s still massacres. And that was the climate that Jesus was born into. Recently I saw a painter, a wonderful painter, Mindy Oin. She painted a picture of Jesus with the crown of thorns heading to the cross. And the name of that painting was the Jewish Messiah. And just seeing what our Jewish brothers and sisters have experienced this past year
Here in Texas, one of our neighbors is Jewish, non-believing, attending UNT afraid to attend UNT. And it’s just tragic. And just to see the fear, they’re so resilient. So even with the fear they’re overcoming, they’re moving in strength and resilience. But just to walk in that every day, that’s what Jesus walked
2000 years ago. So I think this is just a time where we, as Christians, we put our money where our mouth are. And if we love Israel, if we love the Jewish people,
Do something right now.
Yeah. That’s so good. Something I was thinking about when you were talking some helpful language. One, there’s this Jewish woman who’s been a friend of the center for Israel. The synagogue is bait Israel, and this is, I dunno if it’s reformed, I think synagogue. And she made the statement that I think would jar some Christians. She said, I don’t care if you love me, I care if you understand me. Something like that. She was like, I hear all these Christians, oh, we love Israel. Oh, we love Israel. Love Israel. We love the Jewish people, love the Jewish people. And the word love in English is a very malleable word. I can love pizza. I can love my wife. We’re like, that makes no sense. Create some different categories,
But I think even given that the word love has kind of been watered down, what does it mean that I love the Jewish people? And so her desire in saying this was, I want to be understood because like you said, if I understand you, I get to know you. And that is a form of showing love. I know who you are. Not. There’s this word in scholarship called the ethereal Jew. I think I’m saying that term correctly. But it’s basically the idea of the Jewish people. And that’s when people read the book of John and they read the Jews and they’re like, oh, I know who these guys are. And it’s like, whoa, okay. First of all, we don’t have time to get into all this, but it should be translated to Judean because they were actually saying the Jewish leadership or the people from the region of Judea. And it’s always in juxtaposition to the Galilee. So they’re the Galileans and the Judeans, like we would say the people from Austin and Dallas, they’re all Texans. But we know that Austin and Dallas are different
It’s the same thing. But when you read it as the Jews, it’s a mistranslation that gets us to think, oh, the Jews are the bad guys. But all this to say, that’s one thing that I think has helped me. People say, I love Israel. What can I do? Well, let’s understand them. So learn. Let’s learn about Jewish identity and Jewish lifestyle. Let’s understand them before we just claim to at face value,
Love them. The stern diagram, there’s a picture and it’s a tree and the root, the bark is Israel. And then it grows up. And as it gets closer to Constantine, and that time it splits. And you see Christianity go on one way and Judaism go the other
And then towards the end times it comes back together. I pose the question in our 2000 years of split, are there things in our theology that Christians have gotten? Right. Absolutely.
Are there things we’ve gotten wrong? Yeah, for sure. A hundred percent.
Could it be the same on the Jewish side? And we just won’t know unless we want to understand. And I just can’t speak more highly of my rabbi friends and the Jewish people. Like I said, that just the faith that I’ve seen. There’s so much happening here in Dallas. There’s this group in West Texas and they had an IDF soldier come who was one of the first responders to October 7th. And just to hear his story and what he experienced in praising God for to survive that day and to save who he could that day, it’s miraculous. So I think as we as Christians seek to understand, seek to listen, and then we just love, we truly are servants. When I tried to be around recently, a rabbi and I, a non-believing rabbi, were ministering in a prison together and he was ministering to the Jewish people in the prison. And I got to hand out the kosher snacks and it was just awesome. I feel like I truly got to surf, just
And I really do think that’s the example Jesus said. I think in America sometimes we can take the servant leadership or if we serve the first, the last will be first. Let me be last for a little bit, then I’ll be first. But I think Jesus’ example is he was very intentional to stay out of the spotlight. He stayed in the outskirts of Jerusalem. They’d say, go to Jerusalem. He says, well, my time hasn’t come. And the only time he took the spotlight was to die. And then he is on the cross saying, forgive them. They don’t know what they do. Can we live that way? Can we be intentional to put other people first in my case, put the Jewish needs of the Dallas community ahead of mine and be around them and be Jesus that way?
Yeah. That’s so good. Well, what I hear you saying is friendship. And again, to go back to this idea that I think a lot of the evangelical church has adopted, which is great, is I love Israel, I stand with Israel. Both of those are great statements, but they can be confusing
What does that mean?
Does it mean that you love them? Again, we’re saying love can mean understand. Let’s let that be the start. What does I stand with Israel mean? That can become very political and it can turn into, I stand behind whatever Israel as a nation does or whatever the political leaders of Israel do. Jewish people don’t even believe that. So what does stand for Israel means? I mean, I blindly affirm every decision that the nation of Israel makes. No. So one thing that we’ve tried to again, language move to is we have an unbreakable friendship with the Jewish community.
Yeah, that’s good.
And if something happens to the Jewish community or Israel, it’s like it happens to a family member.
That’s it.
That’s different than just like I stand with whatever they decide. And you’re like, well, I dunno about that. I mean half of Israel would disagree with you, but saying that we have an unbreakable friendship, meaning nothing is going to break that even if we don’t agree with the decision of Israel is making at this time, our friendship is unbreakable. And I think that speaks more value than just, I stand with Israel, I love Israel again, what does that mean now? But an unbreakable friendship is something that you’re showing because if something were to happen, Zev knows he can count on you as a friend, not as a Christian, not as this pro-Israel guy that I know. It’s because there’s actual friendship there. And I think that’s what we need to move to is an understanding and a friendship.
It sounds like God’s heart for the Jewish people, the unbreakable covenant, unbreakable friendship, unbreakable love, does he affirm, let’s say with me in my life, do I have covenant with Jesus? Absolutely. Does he affirm everything I do? No, I got to repent daily.
Yeah, totally. That’s good to,
Same with the Jewish people, but his covenant with them is not going to be broken. So yeah, as you say that, just like, man, yeah, we can be God’s heart
This right now.
Well, before we sign off, is there, if you had just a message for the church, the church at large, the Ecclesia, the body of believers, what would be your last kind of encouragement or
Just listen? That would be it. Just listen and let what you hear impact your heart. Like I said, I feel like I get to experience how Jesus grew up, how he experienced synagogue, the lessons he learned when I’m around my rabbinical friends. So just listen, and God will do such a deep, deep work in your heart and in the friendships. And then who knows?
Yeah. That’s good. Well, thank you for being with us. Such an honor to have you. And now that you’re a part of the podcast now, we can just call you anytime. We need you part three,
No matter what you need. Beautiful.
All right, well, we’ll see you next time on the covenant conflict. Feel free to go to center for israel.com. One of the things we always say is pray. That’s the first step. Just like Ryan was talking about, what was the first thing he prayed? God, give me some reason, some excuse to begin friendship with the Jewish people. So pray. And then second thing is learn. We have the center for israel.com, but there’s lots of places you can learn, but this is just one of them. Start learning about Jewish people and Jewish traditions and Jewish identity. And then lastly, relate, which is relate. If there’s a Jewish person that reach out to ’em, how are you doing? I know the world’s crazy right now. Postoc, October 7th is crazy. So pray, learn, and relate. We’ll see you next time.