Connect with our friends in Jewish ministry!

Gateway Church has made a priority of financially supporting ministries sharing the Good News “to the Jew first” (Rom. 1:16) since we began over 20 years ago.

During this time, we’ve built relationship with over 100 fruitful Jewish ministries that are active in Israel and other parts of the world, reaching Jewish people with the love of Jesus. We are honored to introduce you to some of our key friends, and strongly encourage you to financially support these ministries.

Alternatively, countless individuals and churches donate directly to Gateway Center for Israel, where 100% of funds donated are prayerfully distributed to our various partners throughout the year as needs arise. If you would prefer this, you can GIVE HERE.

The ministries listed below are active in the following categories of ministry. We trust the Lord will lead you to start a wonderful partnership and friendship as you give!

Please click the links to learn more about each ministry, and give a gift directly. If you would like any further info, or would like for us to write an introduction to someone from the ministry for you, we’re very happy to do that. Just contact us!

Just as God has richly blessed us for supporting ministry “to the Jew first”, we know He will do the same for you and your church!

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