Director Nic Lesmeister, Gateway Center for Israel, explains how God's universal plan of salvation actually started with His call to Abram and how the destiny of the Church will always be tied to the People of Israel.
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Who has the "right" to the Land of Israel - Jews or Palestinians? What does the Bible say about the Jewish people's claim to the Land of Israel? In this video, Nic shares key Scriptures that highlight what God has to say about this conflicting issue.
Jewish religious life can vary from ultra-Orthodox to secular or agnostic. "Gateway Center for Israel" director Nic Lesmeister shares the various Jewish expressions of religion across the spectrum in this video.
How do Israel & Jewish people still exist today after thousands of years of persecution? Is it just luck, or is it miraculous proof of the God who chose and has sustained Israel all this time as His special people? Watch as David Blease examines the evidence.
Is there such a thing as a physical “Jewish race?” What about “Jewish blood?” Nic Lesmeister outlines the accepted criteria to be considered “Jewish.”
If a Gentile putting their faith in Jesus "becomes a Christian," what is a Jewish person called that accepts Jesus? Through the use of Scripture, David Blease briefly explains how God's definition of Jewish and Gentile identity in Jesus may be surprisingly different from our traditional views.
Perspective Paper
We believe in Israel’s irrevocable election and affirm the calling of Jewish followers of the Messiah to remain true to their identity as Jews.