Gateway Center for Israel
Gateway Center for Israel

"Gateway Center for Israel" is an organization based in Southlake, TX, seeking to engage church leaders with Israel. It was formed in 2019, as an initiative of Gateway Church, to resource and inspire the global church to a biblical and sincere love for Israel and the Jewish people. "Gateway Center for Israel" does this through research, publications, media engagement, and events. Nic Lesmeister is the Director of "Gateway Center for Israel".

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Gateway Center for Israel

What is the actual meaning of antisemitism? Director Nic Lesmeister with Gateway Center for Israel, gives an easy-to-remember definition, and gets practical on why Christians should care.
Many people have misunderstood Peter’s rooftop vision in Acts 10. Nic Lesmeister, director of Gateway Center for Israel, explains what these verses truly mean, and how they magnify the creative beauty of God when understood in correct context.
Is there such a thing as a physical “Jewish race?” What about “Jewish blood?” Nic Lesmeister outlines the accepted criteria to be considered “Jewish.”
Using Paul’s olive tree analogy, Gateway Center for Israel's Dr. Wayne Wilks teaches about the theology of Romans 11. He shares how the “grafted-in” (Gentile) and natural (Jewish) branches connect, through the root of covenantal faith, in a healthy, mutually affirming way.
In this short teaching, Nic outlines the three Gateway Church priorities for expressing a love and value towards Israel & the Jewish People, and how they can be integrated into any church's culture.
There's a growing movement that is labeling Israel as an apartheid state. What is that? What does it mean? Is it true? Does Israel systematically oppress Palestinians? Nic Lesmeister of "Gateway Center for Israel" helps you answer these questions in this video.
Torah Observance
Perspective Paper
Just as one of the major stumbling blocks for Judaism is belief in Jesus as the Messiah, the Torah and the idea of keeping “the works of the Law” remains a significant stumbling block for many Christians. The following paper will therefore explore the topic of Torah observance and argue that Jewish believers in Jesus are encouraged to observe the Torah by the leading of the Holy Spirit, so long as observance is not perceived as a means of earning the free gift of salvation in Messiah.
A Unique Update on Ukraine
I’m sure you’ve been glued to the news over the past couple of weeks, watching the horrific events unfolding in Eastern Europe inside the borders of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin’s Russian army invasion and subsequent onslaughts have been gut-wrenching for us all to witness. Ukraine is a foundational part of the story of Gateway Center for Israel, and to the body of Jewish followers of Jesus around the world. I’d like to invite you to learn a little of this history with us today, and pass it along to your friends. I believe this will help you know how you can...
Should Gentile believers participate in Jewish culture? To discuss this question from a biblically healthy perspective, Rabbi Troy Wallace joins Nic for the webinar, "Should Gentles Observe Passover?" Rabbi Wallace, an ordained Messianic rabbi, is also a member of Gateway Church in Scottsdale, AZ, and serves on the executive leadership team of Jewish Voice Ministries International under long-time Gateway friend, Rabbi Jonathan Bernis.
Collection • 16 Resources
There are very few discussions that can stir the pot of controversy quicker than that of the Middle East--and in particular, Israeli vs. Palestinian. We have created a group of resources that seek to define terminology widely-used in media as well as tackle difficult questions associated with this topic. Most importantly, we offer context on how believers should biblically respond to the ongoing conflict surrounding a people and a geographical region that are of utmost importance to God.
Respected Messianic Jewish leader Dr. Dan Juster delivers an excellent and timely teaching on the Ephesians 2:14-16 concept of "one new man." He explains God's unifying desire that Gentile and Jewish believers be "interdependent for mutual blessing" and refutes the unbiblical "Third Race" doctrine found in Replacement Theology. - Special thanks to The King's University for the use of this video.
A Christian Guide to Passover
Perspective Paper
For thousands of years, Jewish people around the world have recounted the exodus story through the feast of Passover. Recently, a growing number of Gentile Christians have also begun to observe Passover. Desiring to reconnect in a greater way to the Jewish foundation of their faith, more and more churches have begun hosting Passover Seders for their communities. Whether you are just beginning on this journey out of curiosity, or whether you are an experienced Passover host, this guide is written for you.
Senior New Testament scholar Dr. Craig S. Keener discusses "The Jewish Context of Revelation" in a webinar moderated by Nic Lesmeister and co-hosted by The King's University and Gateway Center for Israel. A prolific author, Dr. Keener is an Asbury Theological Seminary biblical studies professor, member and past president of the Evangelical Theological Society, and a long-time friend of the Messianic Jewish community.
Moderated by Dr David Rudolph, senior New Testament scholar Dr. Craig S. Keener discusses "The Jewish Context of the Gospel of Matthew" in a webinar co-hosted by The King's University and Gateway Center for Israel. A staunch friend of the Messianic Jewish community for decades, Dr. Keener is a prolific author of over 30 books--including two major commentaries on the book of Matthew--and is an Asbury Theological Seminary professor of biblical studies.
Collection • 6 Resources
Gateway Center for Israel exists to guide Christians towards a biblical and sincere love of Israel & the Jewish people. One of the biggest barriers to this is faulty theology that develops due to unhealthy belief systems about what the Bible really teaches related to God's chosen people. In this resource section, we will examine some of the most prominent errors, misconceptions, and unhealthy teachings about Israel & the Jewish people -- and how they have historically led to harmful theology and actions.
Collection • 3 Resources
What makes someone Jewish? If a Jewish person puts his or her faith in Jesus, has that person "converted" or “become a Christian?” Does a Jewish person stop being Jewish altogether? These are just some of the questions we attempt to answer in our "Jewish Belief in Jesus" resource collection.
Nic shares his excitement of being back in the Land of the Bible in this short video. You can visit the Land of the Bible virtually with our ChurchEd Course, the Land of Israel Experience. Sign up today to start learning more about your Bible!
Many scholars conclude that Hitler’s violent antisemitism was enabled by a wake of anti-Jewish theologies of church heroes like Calvin and Luther. Living in a post-Holocaust world, it is difficult for modern Christians to believe that antisemitism was flowing in the lifeblood of the Church for thousands of years. Yet, it was. Why?
This paper will argue that the good news of Jesus is both relevant and essential for the Jewish people, but a thoughtful, sincere approach to Jewish outreach is also needed.
Many Christians today would be surprised to learn that Paul, the famous “Apostle to the Gentiles,” never stopped living a Jewish life. What this zealous Pharisee experienced on the road to Damascus was not conversion to Christianity, but acceptance of a new life and calling offered by the Jewish Messiah, Jesus. The mission of Paul’s life may have changed—but his identification as a son of Israel did not.
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