David Blease
David Blease

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David Blease is an American pastor and Christian influencer. He is the Teaching Pastor at “Gateway Center for Israel”. David graduated from The King’s University in 2016 with a degree in Christian Studies. In 2012, David attended the Gateway Conference, where he learned the Jewish context of scripture which significantly reshaped his understanding of the Bible. This newfound understanding helped deepen David’s relationship with God, his passion for Israel, and his love for the Jewish people. He now dedicates much of his time to teaching the Church how to develop and foster a sincere love for Israel and the Jewish people. David Blease and his wife (Mikayla Blease) have three children and live in Dallas/Fort Worth.

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David Blease

Si un Gentil que pone su fe en Jesús “se vuelve cristiano”, ¿cómo se le llama a una persona Judía que acepta a Jesús? Mediante el uso de las Escrituras, David Blease explica brevemente cómo la definición de Dios de la identidad Judía y Gentil en Jesús puede ser sorprendentemente diferente de nuestros puntos de vista tradicionales.
Alcance a los judíos, Israel moderno, Teología, Vida judía
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