Covenant & Conflict: A Gateway Center for Israel Podcast starring David Blease and Nic Lesmeister
A Gateway Center for Israel Podcast

Covenant & Conflict

"Covenant & Conflict" is a thought-provoking podcast produced by the “Gateway Center for Israel” and hosted by Nic Lesmeister and David Blease, where ancient biblical truths meet contemporary issues head-on. Each episode offers a deep dive into complex and often divisive topics with subject matter experts, aiming to explore the intersection of covenantal values and modern debates. Instead of fostering division, this podcast seeks to model respectful engagement and peaceful discourse amidst conflict.

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Season 2: Episode 07

This episode delves into the biblical and historical dynamics between Jewish and Gentile believers in Jesus, featuring Nic and David from the Center for Israel. They discuss the tendency to overlook God's covenant with the Jewish people, the debate on Gentile adoption of Jewish practices, the decisions of the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15, and the importance of humility and interdependence in relationships between Jewish and Gentile believers.

Season 2: Episode 05

In this episode, David talks with Kara Daniels about her experience on a trip to Europe that followed the path of the Holocaust, including stops in Germany, Prague, and Poland. The speaker shares how the trip transformed her perspective on the Jewish people, the Holocaust, and the Church's responsibility to understand and support the Jewish community.

Season 2: Episode 04

In today’s episode, David Blease talks with Ryan Warren about his journey from hip-hop dancing to pastoring and advocating for the Jewish community in Dallas. Ryan shares how he built deep friendships with Orthodox Jewish leaders by genuinely seeking to understand their faith, emphasizing the need for Christians to approach the Jewish people with humility and respect rather than focusing on conversion.

Episode 08

If God gave this land where 80% of the Bible occurred to the Jewish people, then why does it have an “undetermined" status internationally, with certain Jewish settlements considered illegal? Nic and David jump into these very complicated political and spiritual waters to share different perspectives to help cut through the confusion.

Episode 07

Can revelation about the importance of Israel and the Jewish people radically change your understanding of, and relationship with God - even after 30 years as a Christian? Meet Charles Ikutiminu, originally from Nigeria, who now serves as Global Ministries Pastor (Africa) at Gateway Church. He enthusiastically shared with David Blease the spiritual and theological journey he and his wife began as they simply obeyed God's leading to pray daily for Israel.

Episode 06

Ashlee, a friend of Gateway Center of Israel, joins David to discuss her personal experiences while employed as a nanny to an Orthodox Jewish family. Knowing zero about Jewish life before being hired, she shares how much she gleaned from observing this family’s adherence to their Kosher dietary laws, Sabbath observance, and religious lifestyle. Not only was her Christian faith enriched by the beauty of Jewish culture, but most importantly, a lifelong friendship was established between her and this family.

Episode 05

Where do we begin to understand the complicated topic of the end times? Nic and David dive into eschatology (or study of what is to come) with author Travis Snow, who has researched theology and biblical prophecy for 20 years.

Episode 03

Nic Lesmeister introduces his friend Yoel Shoshani, a native-born Israeli and Jewish believer in Jesus, who served in the Israeli military reserve force immediately after the horrors of October 7th. He shares his sobering eye-witness observations as an Israeli military escort to international journalists as they toured the terrorized villages in the massacre's immediate aftermath, as well as how he and his family have personally processed the life-changing realities of war.

Episode 02

In this episode of "Covenant & Conflict," Gateway Center for Israel Executive Director Nic Lesmeister and Teaching Pastor David Blease respond to recent claims made about Messianic Jews (or Jews that have professed faith in Jesus as their Messiah) by a traditional Jewish media site.

Episode 01

This new podcast aims to help Christians examine long-held perspectives in the light of Scripture, develop a biblically-based understanding of Israel & the Jewish people, and facilitate an ongoing conversation about God's ultimate purposes in a post-October 7 world.
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